January 29, 2025
- 7:03pm Let's Cool One by Thelonious Monk
- 7:06pm Get Up by Ebo Taylor on Jazz is Dead 22
- 7:10pm Midnight Steppers by Dox & Dizzie on Hartmann Meets Ruttger
- 7:14pm Petite Parasol by Brent Laidler on Hidden Gems
- 7:19pm Eight + Five (feat by Steve Smith on New Perspective
- 7:29pm Fun One by Oz Noy on Fun One
- 7:35pm Soul Surge by Blue Moods on Force & Grace
- 7:40pm Wise Decisions by Benjie Porecki on All That Matters
- 7:46pm Ditty For Dewey by MTB on Solid Jackson
- 7:56pm Sinnerman by Eugenie Jones on Eugenie
- 8:01pm Hang Hostage by Hans Luchs on The Spell is Broken
- 8:05pm Los Matrimonios Malditos by Darryl Yokley on Un Mundo en Soledad
- 8:11pm Tara's Theme by Peter Erskine on Vienna to Hollywood
- 8:16pm The Brothers by David Caffey on At the Edge of Spring
- 8:28pm Big Tate by Scott Hamilton on Looking Back
- 8:34pm The Touch Of Your Lips by Jim Mullen on For Heaven's Sake
- 8:38pm Put On A Happy Face by Carl Allen on Tippin'
- 8:44pm American Farce by Theoretical Planets on Zero
- 8:50pm Tell Me A Bedtime Story by Willie Morris on Unbound Inner
- 8:56pm Pros and Cons by Dann Zinn on Two Roads
- 9:00pm Mirror, Mirror by Kasan Belgrave on Dual Citizen
- 9:06pm Crepuscule With Nellie by Alex Coke & Carl Michel Sextet on Situation
- 9:11pm A Centered Vibe by Erik Jekabson on Breakthrough
- 9:17pm Brothers by Towner Galaher on Brothers
- 9:24pm dB's Vibesss by Darren Barrett on dBish: Straight Vibesss
- 9:40pm We Walk In Gold by Nubya Garcia on Odyssey
- 9:44pm Pentacles by Brad Goode on The Snake Charmer
- 9:48pm Horacescope by Eldad Tarmu on Silver on Aluminum
- 9:55pm Chan's Song by Christopher Boscole on Time for Love
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